'a meeting place for sounds' residencies.
a meeting place for sounds was a collective residency initiated by Max Baraitser Smith. The residency focused on conducting site-specific sonic research. 8 artists joined from the 16th-20th January 2023, cultimating in a performance evening and an exhibition.
The goal was to create a space for prototyping and experimenting with new modes of sonic experience, knowledge production, decision-making processes and social organization.
After the positive outcome of the first residency at CLB Berlin, a second residency followed at FLUC Vienna.
During the first residency I became interested in the borders of spaces. These are three recordings of events during the residencies:
1 Scanning. People were asked to spread around the walls and were guided to slap the walls one location at a time, gradually moving through the space in a circular fashion. This resulted in a temporal sonic map of the material borders and acoustics of the space.
2 Playing. People were asked to form little clusters wich then spread through space. After learning some necessary hand signals, the conductor guided the clusters to swoosh, tap, knock, slap and bang at different locations in different combinations. This resulted in an improvised play and sounding of the space and people.
3 Tapping. During the residency in Vienna, Max took it on himself to conduct my piece in a different space, turning it into a composition named: Tapping.